Welcome to PSP!
Personal Self Protection LLC is a company that teaches self defense to women, as well as corporate de-escalation and aggression management. If you have ever been afraid for your safety or the safety of an employee, PSP may be the answer.
To order or download 'fearless' (Linked to Amazon), click the image

WFXR interview with author and PSP instructor, Logan Doughty. Two days before the launch of "fearless: a woman's guide to personal self protection". Click the image for a link to the interview.
How it works
PSP Training
Pepper Spray Training
Contact Us
About Us
My name is Logan Doughty. I started Personal Self Protection LLC with a mission:
"To help alleviate fear of personal assault by teaching environmental, physical, and mental preparation techniques."
I have learned over the years that my fighting ability has very little to do with my overall safety. There are principles and techniques that, when applied consistently in daily life reduce your chance of becoming a target. My job is to teach these techniques and help you find your natural fighting "style" while building confidence in your ability take charge if necessary.
3210 Richard Ave NE
Roanoke, VA 24012
Tel: 540-580-7409