Are People Skills The Key to Safer Living?
Tim--a detective from the gang investigation unit in Newport News, VA--stated clearly that he has seen tragedy unfold unnecessarily,...
Assault Prevention Misconceptions
There is an extremely challenging misconception regarding sexual assault prevention. Almost all of us are connected to a person or people...
Fear Based v/s Empowerment Based
In the United States, as of 2014, statistics tell us that we are around 50% less likely to become a victim of violent crime than we were...
Assertive v/s Aggressive
A friend of mine broke this down for me one day. She said..."Being assertive is protecting and enforcing your own boundaries. Being...
Environmental Preparation: Dwellings
There are three areas of self-protection. Physical, mental, and environmental. Physical refers to your fitness level, strengths, and...
Self-Protection is a lifestyle...
Consider the following question: What would your life look like if you took 10% more responsibility for your personal safety? I will...
Boundaries and your safety
We give off energy all day long. That "aura" is who we are. It is our personality, and it is a wonderful thing. There are times,...
Reality Based Training v/s Martial Arts
I teach self-protection skills to those that wish to decrease their chances of encountering violence, and increase their chances of...
Guns, Guns, Guns....
I de-emphasize firearms as a primary self-defense this creates an entire lifestyle change for those that are new to guns. I...
On Fighting:
On fighting: There are so many misconceptions on this subject. There is a tremendous difference between developing a martial art skill,...